Watch our latest office hours live stream where we cover new features including Stately Inspect, GitHub Sync, Sources, and our roadmap for 2024.
4 posts tagged with “office hours”
View all tagsThe Stately team has been doing a lot of live streams lately, covering the front-end, back-end, and everything new in the Stately editor.
We’ve recently launched a huge Stately release, and we covered it all (as well as some even newer features!) in our latest office hours live stream.
Two weeks ago, we had what some have called our “best office hours yet.” We introduced a whole bunch of new features and improvements to Stately Studio, including with our new starter machine, annotations, embed mode, and version history. We also gave the first peek at our most significant editor update to date; we call it “codename: blocks,” check out the video to find out why!