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39 posts tagged with “xstate”

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3 minute read

Laura Kalbag

The time has finally come; our new docs are ready to share with you all. If you’ve been following our office hours, you know I’ve been talking about these docs for a long time. Thanks to Anders, who used Docusaurus to build us a rock solid easily-maintainable platform with search that actually works, and the whole team, who have contributed reviews, explainers, and examples to get these docs started.

3 minute read

Laura Kalbag

The Stately team has got some huge features to share with you soon. We’ve been working hard through the summer, which is why we’re already halfway into September by the time I’ve gotten around to this update post.

One minute read

David Khourshid

From fetching data to fighting with imperative APIs, side effects are one of the biggest sources of frustration in web app development. And let’s be honest, putting everything in useEffect hooks doesn’t help much.

Thankfully, there is a science (well, math) to side effects, formalized in state machines and statecharts, that can help us visually model and understand how to declaratively orchestrate effects, no matter how complex they get. In this talk, David ditches the useEffect hook and discovers how these computer science principles can be used to simplify effects in our React apps.

One minute read

Laura Kalbag

Using the XState extension for VS Code, you can create a state machine in seconds and edit the machine using our visual editor. Use the xsm snippet to quickly generate the code required for your state machine, then drag and drop inside our visual editor to rapidly model your machine.

10 minute read

Kevin Maes

Are you a React developer using XState to model your application logic? Perhaps you’ve heard of XState but have been looking for an easy way to try it out in one of your projects. If so, then I’d like to share with you a pattern I was introduced to when first diving into codebase at Stately, that of using custom machine hooks. This lightweight, reusable way to integrate XState into React components is a delight to work with and I think you might like it as much as I do!